A gift that leaves a legacy

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash
Writing a will provides for the people and causes you love. Leaving a gift in your will to charity is your best-ever opportunity to ensure that your commitment to taking justice to heart will continue for many years.
What is so special about a legacy?
Your will ensures that your wishes are followed no matter what. The gifts we receive in wills are vital to our work. Every legacy helps ATD Fourth World UK continue to support the well-being of people and families in poverty, and to engage with society to promote the participation of those with lived experience of poverty in designing policies to overcome injustice.
Remembering a loved one with a donation to ATD is also a meaningful way to commemorate their life.
Why should I write a will?
If you die without a valid will, your estate will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy. It can take years for your family to gain access to your funds and they may not receive all you would have liked them to get.
What do I need to think about when writing a will?
A simple will can cost as little as £70 and a mirror will (for couples) can be written for around £120. It is a good idea to seek the help of a professional in writing your will as they can help you consider all eventualities and avoid mistakes which could cause difficulties or disputes when the time comes to administer the estate.
Double check your draft will and make sure you and two witnesses sign it. Keep your will stored safely and review it regularly to ensure it reflects your circumstances and wishes.
How should I word my will to include a gift to ATD Fourth World UK?
When including a legacy to charity, it is important to specify the charity’s registered name, address and charity number. For us, this is:
ATD Fourth World UK
48 Addington Square
London SE5 7LB
Registered Charity No. 209367
There are three main kinds of legacy gifts you may wish to consider:
- A share of your estate, to be paid after all debts, funeral costs etc., are met.
- A cash sum which can be index-linked to safeguard its future.
- Or a particular item to be used or sold by the beneficiary.
To leave a share of your estate in your will:
“I give [a fraction / % share / all] of the residue of my estate to ATD Fourth World UK, Registered Charity No. 209367, 48 Addington Square London SE6 7LB, to be used for its general charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”
To leave a cash gift or a specific item in your will:
“I give to ATD Fourth World UK, Registered Charity No. 209367, 48 Addington Square London SE6 7LB, absolutely the sum of £[amount in figures/amount in words] or [name a specific item] to be used for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”
If you have any questions about gifts in wills and ATD Fourth World, please do get in touch. You can call on 0207 703 3231 or email atd@atd-uk.org.